Missouri State Highway Patrol Troop C Headquarters

Weldon Spring, MO

Brinkmann transitioned existing space into larger office space for Troop C

34,000 SF
$5.6 million
Brinkmann transitioned Missouri State Highway Patrol Troop C Headquarters from a 27,000-SF space to a 34,000-SF space, serving as a model of “effectiveness and efficiency” in state operations.

By questioning paradigms and providing alternatives, our team generated value the owner had not expected.

Taller is Not Always Better

Troop C’s previous headquarters was two levels. The Owner’s paradigm was that the new structure would also be two levels. Brinkmann questioned the necessity of this and outlined the benefits of a one-story structure. Our single-story design ultimately won the Owner’s confidence.

Troop C Weldon Springs
A More Striking Design
Among the benefits gained: significant financial and space savings by not needing to install (and indefinitely service) an elevator and by eliminating two stair towers; a centralized administration area; and an open, circular workflow. The savings were reinvested in design, ultimately producing a more striking structure. 
Troop C Highway Patrol Hdq