Holiday Inn Express

Chesterfield, MO

Initiated to find right answers to keep ground-up hotel on track and deliver it on time and within budget

53,000 SF
$8.8 million
At the outset, the Brinkmann team took the initiative to find the right answers and went above and beyond to keep the project on-track to deliver it on-time and within budget.

 For example, when the drawings lacked necessary measurements and finishes in order to execute the interior design in a timely manner, the team went to similar hotel locations to field measure and used these results in conjunction with spec books and other resources to develop an accurate understanding as to what was required for the entire building. Additionally, the Brinkmann team applied their knowledge and expertise of the municipal requirements to facilitate the permitting process. By being familiar with local AHJ requirements, the team was able to address deficiencies ahead of construction commencement and also facilitate design revisions to address permit review comments.

Holiday Inn Exterior
Holiday Inn Night 1
Holiday Inn Interior 1