Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Brinkmann has completed nearly 100 Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC) nationwide
Approximately $100 million
Market Segment
These centers house a variety of surgical and anesthetic services and typically feature multiple operating rooms, care service facilities, pre-op and recovery areas, as well as multiple treatment rooms for imaging, laser and other non-evasive procedures.
Our decision to continue to partner with Brinkmann Constructors is a direct result of their unwavering client-driven focus. Our projects are extremely time sensitive and the insight that they provide to every challenge along the way is directly related to assuring that our initial end goal is maintained.
Let the Healing Start Sooner
In the ASC business, every extra day a center can be open produces great financial return for the Owner. When first approached by the Owner, a typical project required five months to complete. Brinkmann promised a construction schedule of 120 days - and then beat it.
Success, one project at a time
Beginning with that first project, Brinkmann has sustained an average completion schedule of 90-100 days and built a valued relationship that has lasted for over a decade.