Celebrating One Year of Incident-Free Success at LOCAL Midtown

LOCAL Midtown

At Brinkmann, safety is not just a priority; it's ingrained in our DNA. With our unwavering commitment to putting safety first, last, and always, we are proud to announce one year without an incident on the job site at LOCAL Midtown in Nashville, Tennessee! 

Safety is paramount in the construction industry, and at Brinkmann, we understand that creating a culture of safety is the key to our success. Our dedicated team in Nashville, and across the country, have embraced this belief, fostering a workplace where every worker feels safe and valued.Through our monthly stand-down sessions, we take the time to reinforce the importance of safety and equip our employees with the latest knowledge· on things like crane safety, trenching, and excavation best practices.

Our people are our purpose, and their well-being is a core piece of our Brinkmann culture. Together, we have built a team where everyone looks out for one another, ensuring that each day ends just as safely as it began.

Here's to LOCAL Midtown's achievement and the dedication of our remarkable team!

LOCAL Midtown